"We took out a new material, which apparently was bright in the clubs, and that summer many young people came to our stores to take avarcas made with that material," explains Quilio Castell, founder along with his wife Maria Massanet of Castell Menorca, about the innovative character we have always had in Castell Menorca. That anecdote of the 80s is a reflection of the eagerness we have always had to renew and adapt the menorquina through the incorporation of trends and high quality materials. We are 34 years old and we do it faithful to the commitment to quality, tradition and style with which we have always manufactured.
The assembly of the avarcas of Castell is done in the last part. A technique with which "you get a higher quality", explains Quilio on a mounting system with which we get all our menorquinas are a real glove. Originally, the avarca is a product designed for farmers: a footwear made for long working days and with exceptional resistance. An essence that Castell has not lost, since high quality and trend go hand in hand in each of our collections.We have always followed the maxim of Quilio: "You have to adapt, without neglecting the quality of a craft product".
In Castell Menorca we have a special concern for the finishes of each of our creations. As a result of this, our modelers, patrons and designers regularly visit our stores to get a first-hand view of our customers. A custom that began Quilio himself and through which we have achieved an inimitable product. "It is always good to know opinions and correct any small flaws you detect", explains the founder of Castell about the concern and the exquisite treatment of the house.
Family and team perfectly define the essence of Castell Menorca since its foundation in 1985. Now under the direction of his three sons (Pedro Castell, Juan Antonio Castell Ana Maria Castell), the essence with which Quilio and Maria began 34 years ago now continues through generations of artisans who make up more than 60 workers concerned about every detail.